It wasn't like this was the first time I had heard of or read someone attempting to make the claim that the Church of Christ is a cult, however this time was very different, this time it was personal. I, like most of you probably, have ran across some websites making this claim using erroneous, second and third hand knowledge about the Church of Christ and our beliefs or more times than not confusing us with the International Church of Christ. This time, however, a young person from my congregation was asking me why her friends would be saying that we are a cult. As I dug deeper into the situation, I learned that this young member of our congregation was told directly by one of her friends who attends one of the more charismatic denominations in our town that her Pastor was "teaching and warning" them about the Church of Christ "because they are nothing more than a cult."
At first, I thought about just letting it pass, you know "just laugh it off." I know many people who have made bold claims, myself included, who later lived to regret what they said. But, the longer I thought about it, the harder I tried to come up with a logical reason as to why this man, who I once respected, would make such a statement, the more I realized how malicious the promulgation of this kind of statement can be. It is on the same level as if I walked up to this man in a crowded room and said, "So, do you still beat your wife?" How does one respond to such statements? To remain silent only reinforces the belief of some that it must be true or else why can't they refute it. To make too big of a deal about it only brings more attention to the situation and those disseminating the false information, which is exactly what they want, attention.
When most people think of a cult, they immediately think of a group of people, religious or quasi-religious, led by one person who exerts complete control of every aspect of what his or her devotees practice. The cult is usually identified by the name of its leader, for example: David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, or Jim Jones. We know who these men are and what they are responsible for but their names overrode their respective groups. (Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, and The People's Temple) The second thing that people think of in cultish behavior is brain washing. Brain washing takes place as the cult leaders begin to isolate their members from society, thereby gaining the ability to control what information they can receive as well as what they are taught. Third, cultists usually have some sort of "mystery" in their teaching which is only revealed to those in the group. Often this mystery teaching is claimed to be some sort of "special revelation" given to the leader directly by God and usually this teaching is in direct opposition to the teaching of the bible itself.
Just so you can have all the information you need to make your own decision, let me give you a brief description of what the Waynesboro church of Christ believes as well as some of the ministries we engage in as a response to our salvation. Concerning salvation we believe that "it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Yes, we believe baptism is part of the salvational process; it is a faith response to God's grace. We don't believe in baptismal regeneration. There is nothing special about water and water doesn't take our sin away, that is the work of the blood of Christ. "Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection." (Romans 6:3-5).
Our congregational 'mission statement' is very pointed and simple; Serving God, Sharing Christ, Strengthening Families. We serve God by caring for our community in ways that are tangible. Among other things, we operate a food pantry that is available to anyone in need of basic food and supplies; this ministry also helps people in certain monetary need situations. We also partner with Second Harvest Food Bank to offer a mobile pantry to our community 5-6 times a year, at our last mobile pantry we distributed over 18,000 lbs. of food to over 400 people. Each Wednesday after school, we open the doors of our fellowship center to over 70 students who receive help with homework, a hot meal, fun and games, and a message from God's word. Our ministers as well as each of our members are active in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, he is the reason for our existence, and we will share his love with anyone who will listen. Finally, we believe that the family is the backbone of the church as well as our country; therefore, we focus on strengthening marriages, aiding people in becoming better parents, and creating a family aspect for those members who don't have family of their own.
As I stated earlier, I don't really know how to respond to the charge that we are a cult. There just simply is no evidence whatsoever to validate the claims and much evidence right before his eyes to the contrary. So, what is it that motivated this man to call the Church of Christ a cult? I can only surmise that this man just does not like the Church of Christ and has chosen this path to discredit the glory brought to God. In an era where most congregations are in decline ours is on the rise; perhaps this bothers some people as they see their own congregation in decline and feel they must justify others growth by claiming it to be specious.
Let me just say that this situation is an aberration of the normal relationship between congregations in our area, at least as far as I know. I have a very good relationship with most all of the other ministers in town. (And, as far as I know, I have never done or said anything against our outspoken critic.) We work with the understanding that while we may have a few differences in belief, we share common enemies. Drugs and alcohol are devastating our community. Many parents are losing their children to drugs and alcohol while numerous children are losing their parents to the same. Families are crumbling under the stress of financial as well as personal hardship and more often than not, they seek answers in divorce court. Satan has the upper hand and will continue his prosperity in our community until people of faith understand this important fact: It's not about me, it's all about God!
Psalm 13 – An Exemplary Lament
2 days ago
In my experience, people tend to approach the Churches of Christ with some degree of skepticism. They ask, "Aren't you the church that believes you're the only church going to heaven?" That's probably why some would call the Church of Christ a cult. It's hard to blame people for having that opinion, when it has been taught. We can change the perception by respecting those who are Bible-believing, Christ-honoring, baptized believers committed to following Christ even when they are in congregations which are not affiliated with Churches of Christ.
Thanks for the comment Terry. I guess you are probably right, however, that sort of teaching is very isolated here and doesn't come from our congregation. That is why I have been left 'scratching my head' on this one.
Oops. Sorry to leave the impression that you or your congregation have taught it. When I wrote "it has been taught," I meant that it has been taught by members of Churches of Christ. I was taught it when I first became a Christian, and I bought into it. I was a part of the problem. I regret it.
No problem Terry. I knew exactly what you meant. I appreciate you brother!
I have only sat in on a few "Church of Christ Services", but I have friendships with several "Church of Christ Members" & even worship leaders/pastors.
What is our goal as Christians? And I stress the term Christian, which is shared by Church of Christ, Baptist, & many other denominations, or fellow believers in Christ.
1) Know God
2) Share/teach about God
This is the basic instruction to any Christian. Set aside the titles to a set of rules/standards set by men or "denominations". Just because one belongs to one "denomination" does not mean that he/she loves or has a stronger relationship with God than the other.
It is easy to critisize something that you don't fully understand or something that we hear and do not research for ourselves. We need to stop wasting our time disputing one anothers "regulations or practices" as long as they are according to the Lord's will, and focus on what is important. We need to teach the gospel. Encourage instead of discourage each other in our Christian walks!
"Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all His righteousness..." -Matthew 6:33
Keep up the good work Mitchell and God bless!
Thanks for the support!
Great point "It is easy to criticize something that you don't fully understand or something that we hear and do not research for ourselves." Too often our opinion of others is shaped by "he said/she said" kind of talk. We should reserve our comments about others to what we know to be fact.
So often we find ourselves defending our on religion to others that claim to be servants of God. We need to serve God and stop pointing fingers.
Keep up the good work Mitchell
Wow! I wasn't expecting to come home and see this question?" This is what is wrong with the world today people pointing fingers and judging.Their is only one person to judge and that is God himself.It doesn't matter if your rich,poor,black,white or whatever church you may go to their is only one God and he will be the one we answer to and judges us.I am just a ordinary person just like everyone else trying to find my way in life through Gods word. Let me be the one to tell you my life was going down the wrong path before I started going to the Church Of Christ.I am not the most educated person but I know to look in the bible when somebody tells me something about God. Not one time was I ever told something that was not in the Bible for me to see for myself.Like I said I am not very smart but I can read and what the bible says is how it is you can't change it. I have family and friends that go to church,don't go to church,believe in God and don't believe in God but that doesn't mean that I judge them or love them any less. I continue to pray for myself for understanding and also for others to understand because in my heart I feel this is what God expects us to do Pray for all and love all even if they have a different opinion because I have learned you still plant a seed if you don't agree! Maybe I have said to much, but you know it is hard enough just trying to be yourself and live in this place thats not even our true home without having to worry about who is saying what.Mitchell you are doing what God has called you to do and your doing a great job and also you have a beautiful family. I thank you for what you have done for me and my family.I believe God works through people to get his job done! I am going to bed now been driving all weekend goodnight!
In studying for our Wednesday night class on grace I will insert 2 verses here that we all(emphasis all) need to remember:
(Heb 12:14) Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
(Heb 12:15) See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no "root of bitterness" springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled;
(2Ti 2:24) And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
Thanks for your posts
Alan Bell
I'm greatly disappointed that a "leader" in the religious community would make such a bold statement. I really can't fathom it especially in these hard times. It has already been said that we need to focus on Christ and stop passing judgements and that's the total truth! To hear news about a "Christian leader" making bold, false, alleged statements about the church of Christ being a cult fuels a fire within me of frustration. I have this frustration because I have seen the hunger for religion and truth while staying in Europe. These good, honest, genuine Christian people are striving to know God more intimately and search for His truth in their lives everyday in spite of the hardships and false teachings or lack of teaching all around them. (As you know Europe isn't in the "bible belt"). THEY are inspiration. THEY are striving hard to reach the goal. I'm envious of their purity, and that makes me want to work even harder for Him. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that those back in small-town USA don't realize (or forget to realize) that there's a bigger purpose in this world as Christians, and it's not to be like children, pointing fingers and name-calling.
Mitchell, my prayers are with you and our hometown church family as well as God's family the world over.
I’m sure this post will get deleted. I was involved with ICoC in the early 90’s and I didn’t realize until I got older and read the bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit that while they are Christian, ICoC absolutely and unequivocally fits the description of a cult by using indoctrination and fear to keep members in line.
Definition of a cult: followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices. Nobody could deny that ICoC is not and exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices. I was taught that salvation is available exclusively for people who believe only what ICoC teaches. Too bad that EVERYONE else is going to burn in hell - that includes the likes of Chuck Swindoll, Billy Graham, Greg Laurie, R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Women of Faith people, and the list goes on.
What does the bible says is necessary for salvation: 1) Faith. Ephesians 2 tells us that “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.”
What does ICoC says is necessary for salvation? 1) finishing ICoC classes, 2) listing all sins, 3) water baptism 4) belief that only through baptism can you be saved, then in order to not lose your salvation (you will ALWAYS have one foot in hell and the other on a banana peel) 5) frequent ICoC church attendance to be under the total authority of your discipler and if you are single that will include being told whom to date, if you are married that may include telling you how often you and your spouse can have sex (you think I’m kidding? Ask your married ICoC friends) and a host of other works at the discretion of your discipler.
While we should certainly be baptized, Mark 1:8 makes it clear that Christ alone is the true baptism. Not until after I escaped ICoC did I discover the passages about Cornelius’ family being baptized only after being saved and, even more importantly 1 Cor. 1:17 “Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.” By believing the cross was insufficient for salvation, ICoC empties it of its power.
My discipler used Acts 2:38 to convince me of the necessity of baptism for salvation (which, made me get baptized a second time – I met people who were baptized 3 times!) If your discipler has you convinced with this passage, I urge you to re-read the second portion of the passage, as well as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Acts 16:30-31.
Just as bad, ICoC had me convinced that God may snatch my salvation from me at any moment. I regularly heard sermons about “how many more sins can we commit before we go to hell?” I was always wondering where I stood with God. I had no peace or assurance. How many Wednesday night bible studies could I miss due to working overtime before God would condemn me to hell? If you are feeling the same way, PLEASE read: John 10:28, Ephesians 1:3, Ephesians 2:6, Ephesians 4:30, Romans 8:23, Colossians 3:1-3, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, John 10:29, and most importantly Romans 8:38-39.
ICoC are modern day Pharisees, all about people controlling other people with legalism and fear. Christ could have easily have been speaking about ICoC when he said in Mark 7: 1-16 “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain. Their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” Matthew 23: 13-3213 “Woe to you, teachers of the law, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are.”
In answer to “The cult is usually identified by the name of its leader, for example: David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, or Jim Jones” – does the name Kip McKean ring any bells?
I encourage open debate here and only delete inappropriate or objectionable material. That being said, maybe you skimmed over the first part of the post that mentioned the confusion of some with the Churches of Christ and the ICoC. There is a huge difference between the two as you so aptly wrote. The Congregation where I work and worship is not associated with the ICoC.
I found your article interesting. One thing that caught my eye was the comment about Satan having the upper hand. Do you really believe that? Isn't satan a created being. Not much is mentioned about this angelic being created by God after the death, burial and resurrection of our lord. To give satan a status like God I have always thought it a mistake. Is he omnipresent? I thought he was like Gabriel or Michael,
created not godlike. Do you believe that sin was blotted out by the blood and aren't we justified, sanctified and wasn't he a propitiation as the apostle Paul writes in Romans? In our human nature in which we cannot escape aren't we depraved in our human condition? Isn't that the reason we need a savior? I would be interested on seeing what you have to say.
I'm out of town this week on vacation. Replying in detail on my iPhone is difficult, when I can get wifi for my laptop I will respond in detail. Thanks for reading and for the comment!
I think its obvious by the lack of response to my questions, that either you choose not to answer these tough questions or you don't have answers to these questions I have raised. Hope you had a nice vacation with your family.
Patience. I've just been back for six days. Two jobs are difficult to catch up with after being gone so long. If you will notice I haven't even written a new post yet.
Concerning your question about Satan: Do I really believe Satan has the upper hand? I use the metaphor to show the reality of the grip sin has on the world. The point of my statement was to show how truly sad it is that God's people willingly argue with and turn against each other while people are lost and dying in sin. When we act in this way then we are giving Satan the upper hand by ignoring the spreading of the gospel.
I never said Satan was "godlike." However, Satan does have power and to deny it will be our own downfall. In fact, Jesus' stated purpose for sending Paul to the Gentiles (Acts 26) was to
'turn them from . . . the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me."
I'll answer the question about justification/sanctification in a few days.
Hope this helped.
Sorry, my bad. Patience is one of my virtues. I think some respectful bantering could benefit the both of us. I have some thought provoking ideas on Revelation as well......Just to give you a heads up I am a universal reconciliationist, former baptist, former Church of Christ in Christian Union, and went to college at a Mennonite University. Are you ready?
Terry, still busy?
oops, I mean Mitch
Sorry! I don't usually go this long in responding to comments however, I have been super busy! Why don't you get things started with your thoughts on one of the questions? I'm thinking my response would be a good new post and others might want to join in the discussion? You game?
I have asked a couple of pastors about this and no one can give me much of a reply about this so I will ask you. Israel being a Theocracy governed by the Priests and commandments until the people asked to have a king. Saul being the first, in a line of many, had many wives, concubines, and slaves at their disposal. Were the kings above the law? God apparently allowed this.
Divorce for males in Israel was pretty easy also.
In the books Kings many kings along with David, Solomon, Saul, Asa, as well as many others had many of these at their disposal. Could you comment please.