The technological advances of our time absolutely amaze me. The one bit of technology that has taken the church by storm is PowerPoint (or other presentation software). During my previous ministry, as the pulpit minister for a congregation of about 70 members, we adopted this technology with the intent of enhancing the worship experience for our younger members. Much to my surprise, it wasn't the younger members who benefited the most from this aid to our worship.
The older members of our congregation, who we feared would be resistant to this addition, were thrilled! They could now follow along with the scriptures used in the sermon without having to look up the passages and the size of the font was much easier to read than even their large print bibles. The same result was seen with our announcements and bible study.
The congregation at Waynesboro is in the process of adding this technology and it got me to thinking about all the ways this one bit of technology can be used. Please take a minute and participate in the poll located in the menu bar to your right. While it's not possible to list every use churches make of PowerPoint, I have tried to list the major categories. If your congregation is using PowerPoint in a different way please leave a comment (or email me) with this information and tell me a little bit about how it is working and the level of success you are experiencing.
I'm also interested in who congregations are utilizing to "run" the technology. We are considering putting together a group of teens to work in this ministry as they seem to know more about computers and software than all of the rest of us combined. Let me know what you think.
Psalm 11 – Derek: Meditating on the Way
1 day ago
The congregation we belonged to in FL used powerpoint during songs before service to announce birthdays, anniversaries and upcoming church events as well as a thank you screen to all visitors. They used it during the sermon to bring up scripture or the outline of the sermon as the minister went through the sermon. The classes in the main church also used it. I really enjoyed having especially when I first started going to church and could not find scriptures fast enough to keep up.
Thanks for the info. I like the idea of posting birthdays and anniversaries. It is a good way to acknowledge these special days in our brothers and sisters lives.
Power point is catching fire! Very good resource. My home church uses it for Bible study, sermons, songs, and annoucements (spelling error?).
Yes it is Zack. PowerPoint in church if fast becoming a necessity. I can't wait till we get ours installed.
As the church works to add the powerpoint if you think you need some input from those who have been using it you could possibly contact someone at the church our family attended in FL.
Hope that may help.